Holding On Firm

Holding On Firm

My last post was on Moving On. Where it was stated that "Moving on is not something we should be doing once in a while but at all times." Well, it is so important that we decide to Move On one time or the other but, most importantly, we must also learn the act of Holding On Firm. You'd ask what do I mean by that? Let's see together.

Difference Between Moving On And Holding On

You can say to yourself when you fail that you have to Move On, but it takes a different strength entirely to stay Holding On Firm and never lose hope. The most unfortunate part is, many people are found in this state of dilemma. They failed once, then the second time and they gave up. Couldn't get to the end because they refused to Hold On.

While, some people actually think they are holding on, only to find themselves on another course because they aren't Holding On Firm. They were holding on at first but along the way, they were swayed by the wind of distractions. They've lost their focus. And, when you ask them how they are fairing, they will tell you; "I'm Holding On". Whereas, they are no longer on track because they are not firm in their Holding On. Some started well, with fire, with so much enthusiasm, they look so strong and fine on the outside but, they are giving up already.

How Do I Hold On Firm?
See, I appreciate the fact that you've decided to Move On and you're moving on but, it seems Holding On Firm has not been easy. Maybe you even Moved On because people have been on your neck to do so, but you're not finding it easy Holding on. Look, you don't have to be disturbed! It's just a matter of time. You don't have to be like someone else while you're holding on. You just have to trust God and continue Holding On.

You'd ask, how do I Hold On Firm? The truth is, I can't tell you how to Hold On Firm because it's only God and you that know what you're going through and how you feel right now. So, don't give up on God and yourself. Let me ask you this question. Which one is tragic: To quit holding on and regret it when you see how those you are holding on together come out shining? Or, to hold on till the end and share testimonies on how you held on? I can tell you that you deserve the  Don't forget, it's not enough to only Move On, but, you must also decide to Hold on firm and never give up.

Thank you so much for reading. I would love to have your comments and observations. Don't forget to follow too. God bless you.


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