The Last Man Standing


"Life after school could be frightening....Yes, but it has to do with the level of your preparation".

That is the summary of a short conversation I had with my mentor (P. Shine) few weeks ago.

That then painted a scenario in my heart; when you have the idea of the fact that there is a lion on your path to a destination, you'd be prepared and won't be caught off guard.The struggle of life is never-ending and only those that know of it are ever ready. 

Life's Raw Material 

Life may/will not always give you what you wanted out of it, but what you make out of it is yours. Some will say, when life throws a lemon at you, make lemon juice.

The truth is, if you refuse to make good use of life's raw materials, you may not eventually have a finished product, and then you will realize that, after all, YOU ARE THE LAST MAN STANDING! Whether on the good and great side or their other side.

Who Will Remain Standing

A very good friend of mine; Ifel'Olorun (God is love) posted something on her WhatsApp status sometime ago and I replied. This was the message:

Ifel'Olorun: Along the line, you will realize it's just you and you alone😊

Me: ....and then you know you can't afford to let yourself down even if others do🙂.

And that reality is going to dawn on you one time or the other but then, would you have prepared enough for you to still be standing?

What Did The Scriptures Say About This?

It is not by power neither is it by might, but by My Spirit says the Lord of Hosts (Zech.4:6). The scripture also said; I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all (Eccl.9:11).

So, I submit to you today to trust God so much to be able to stand with Him at last. Because at the end of it all, YOU WILL ONLY BE LEFT WITH HIM EVEN IN ETERNITY.

I will like to have your feedback, comments, and your thoughts. Remain Standing in ‘Jesus name.


  1. Amazing... Thank you for this...

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. I'm glad you found it amazing.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much. I'm glad you found it insightful.


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