Winning Your World



If you ask me how easy it is to get lost in your world, I'd tell you, very simple and easy. But it doesn't just happen in a day, it happens in the process of time.

Start from crawling up until walking, then getting your car and flying around the world. Getting lost in your world is still very possible.


You'd agree with me if not by personal experience but through the happenings of life around us, we see parents trying to caution their young child from crawling or walking into a particular place even with the child's determination to do so. There's a desire in the heart of a child to accomplish but due to the parent’s sense of justice, that desire is not a good reason enough for that child to go there. With the overtime experiences, the child could be left with the notion that You Don't Always Get What You Desire Out Of Life, thereby losing in his world. And the most painful part is, the child grows only to impose or instill that same notion in his child and the circle continues.


Losing in your world cut across different areas of one's life. From health (only the rich have access to such care), to Education (Rich people are the only people schooling abroad), to outward appearance (how much am I earning to look that elegant), having someone to date (that babe is beyond my class), only to mention but few. These and many more have formed a barricade of excellence in our heads making us think in the box of self-pity and not thinking as if there is no box at all. We now talk about how bad our background is, how poor our parents are, and how less privileged we are and there we are losing even in our world.


Most times I look at myself as a lead actor in a movie. I see the whole world around me as scenes and a place where I can act on the script that’s been written by God.

He knows why He sent me to this Set and the role He gave me, He gave only me! Nobody else was given that same role. Yes, there were times I make mistakes in performing my role well, but He doesn’t because of that send me away from the set, He orders a repeat. So when I fail in my world, I get up again, dust myself and repeat the scene. Other people in the scene or on the set may think why me with all the failures but they don’t matter, what matters is what the Director says about me and when He says we do it again, then we do it again!

If He says I’m fit for the lead role then I’ll put in my best to not look at the scorners of my world but rather get the work done. He doesn’t call the perfect, He calls the imperfect to perfect them. So, I will rise again and conquer my world. I’m the Lead role and the lead Character. I am an Actor and I have the mandate to act how my life is going to be on the terms and conditions of the Director (God) not people.


It’s time for you also to arise to your calling. Arise from past failures. Arise from obscurity. Set the trajectory of your life on another amazing route. You have not failed until you quit trying. Don’t quit! Yes, you may be down right now but don’t stay down forever.

Your job or your career is failing, pick it up again! Make it your scene. Make it your world. Design the interface again. Set a new goal! Don’t be wallowing in set pity. Walk over the dead of past failures and self-pity.

You’re made for something better, something greater, and something amazing

You were made to Win not to lose in your world.

Thank you and I hope to see you winning.


  1. Nice one 👍

  2. Thank you for this piece

    I hope to see you winning too

    1. Thank you very much. I hope we both win in our world as we root for each other.


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