Inside the Box

Inside The Box

Hello there!
Yes, You.

Have you been looking for answers and you've become so frustrated to the extent of hurting yourself. You've not for once enjoy a full day of gladness due to your mood swings, because as you're trying to so hard to be happy, it turns to make you look foolish inside you. You have tried everything you could just to fit in but it's not working. You've prayed and hope for answers to come all to no avail. You've read so many dos and don'ts yet, you remain at a spot. Then you asked; what is the problem? Am I at all going to be free from this awful situation that's stealing my joy?
Here's my answer for you: YES! You can be free and you will be.

The problem is, "You have been looking for answers outside yourself". All the answers you've been looking elsewhere for are all residing in you. God has totally packaged you before He released you. Most times, we look around so much that we get lost around. It's true they say that we should always look outside the box, but when you don't equip yourself from the box, you will get stranded outside the box. Stop looking for answers outside the box, when the box is your making and your origin.

God created Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. He provided them with everything they will ever need, there in the garden. If God allows you to be born as you, then everything you need to succeed and lead a good life, He has provided in you. Outside the garden of Eden are hardship and toiling. Outside your box (your makeup, God's purpose for your life), is nothing good. Stay in the place of making, the place of YOUR PURPOSE, your LIFE, for outside them is nothing worth living. Don't give up just yet. You will get the answers you want if and only if you stop looking elsewhere apart from God and yourself. Remember, "Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do". Dr. Robert Schuller. Be tough within your box if you want to strive outside your box.

Thank You And Stay Blessed.
Don't forget to leave your comments and observations. Have a wonderful week ahead, and I wish you a happy new month in advance.


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