Special Package
"I don't feel like dancing or smiling not to even talk of happy, but then I started cheering up, don't forget 'In the presence of God, there's fullness of joy', and His word came at the right time through His servant." Wow! God is working out something great for you in that situation you found yourself. Don't think it is over, it just got started for God is not yet done with you. You will rise again.
People might have gone ahead of you, but God is preparing a special package for you that will make other people to ask you how you did it. God is never done with you. Don't be distracted by other people's success to make you think God is not working yours. Your own is special for somebody special like you. You can't be treated just anyhow because you belong to a kingdom (God's Kingdom). Don't be despondent, you will smile last, you will overcome that challenge, don't allow that situation to pull you down, say to yourself "God is preparing a special package for me, I will enjoy it."
And if you don't have any relationship with God, please do today. He got things you can never see else where, peace, joy, blessings, gladness not to even talk of eternal enjoyment with Him, to mention but a few. You need God, we need Him. And with Him(God) on our side, nothing can stop you, nothing can stop us. God bless you.
Inspired by God through His servant Rev.Dr. Bayo Ademuyiwa.
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