When It Doesn't Make Sense

When It Doesn't Make Sense
Many times, as humans we always want to make sense out of everything. We fight inter and intra-personal conflict every now and then. We try to make a lot of sense even in so obvious senseless situations. What then do we always get as results? Frustration and depression.

There's been a lot of controversies on the issue of making sense out of life. People will tell you; "You are not making sense. That's not how I did it during my time and got results. You have to do it this way or you don't at all." But, what is life without ups and downs? What is life without joyous moments and periods of calmness? Why is the earth always changing and rotating? Here's my answer; It's because God created it (change) that way and we are not exempted from it.
Therefore, you might be doing something in a specialized manner and you're not seeing results. It's very possible you are disturbed and worried. But, you don't have to. You are not created to follow the pattern of other people's lives. Follow your own lane and be you. You will someday make lots of sense to the world and then! your result won't be hidden.

What then is the Real Sense? In a bid to make sense out of life, people have gone so deep into life and are lost in it. Real Sense comes from being YOU. You can't make sense outside you. No one can yet tell how great your impact would be felt in the human race if and only if you follow your lane. You know, Making sense out of life might not actually be the way out in life but, making life to sense your presence.
And I tell you this, only God can make life to sense your existence on earth. And without Him (God), you will definitely make no sense to life, not to talk of making sense out of life. So, trust God and be You!

Thank you for reading today's episode again. Your comments mean a lot. So, don't forget to comment and subscribe, it won't take your time to do so, I tell you. Thank you once again and don't forget; PraiseVictory loves you but God loves you even more! See you some other time.


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