When It Doesn't Make Sense

When It Doesn't Make Sense I never for once wondered I'd get to a point in my life when I will ever think God has forsaken me. Well, maybe not expecting it to come that way and now. It was such an experience for me that I wouldn't like to experience ever again (smiles). The thought of 'Has God left me? Have I wandered so far from Him to the extent that He no longer cares about me or what? These thoughts and many more flooded my heart as I wept on my sick bed at Gboko, Benue State, after my 3weeks compulsory orientation camping program for youths that are ready and willing to serve Nigeria. To me, nothing was making sense. While thinking about why God allowed me to experience such pain, I started asking God some questions: have I done something terrible? What have I done to predispose me for this? Why has God abandoned me? But, after asking God these series of questions, I started pleading for God's mercy. Because nobody can win Him at Court. He is the Prosecutor and...