Reality And Love

 Day 5

Reality And Dreams

Love is a beautiful thing

It's not a lie that you will always want to see and be with the person you claim to love so dearly. Even at the chance of sleeping, you still want to see the person in your dreams :).

That's how strong love can be. It could be you having sleepless nights just so you could talk or be with the person. That's why some people will spend a whole night talking to the person they love, Amen!

1 Cor. 13 verse 7 says something about Love; "It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

You always want to see the person and protect him/her (not lust or obsessive love now). You want the person to trust you to always be there to support, help, and make the person feel cherished.

That is love.

True love, brings your dream(s) to reality.

We move-on, on this jolly ride.


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