Day 3

Unconditional Love

Love is a beautiful thing

Unconditional Love is loving someone from a baseless standpoint.

Let me quickly tell you this, loving you for who you are is not the same as loving you unconditionally.

Who you are is still a condition to love you, what happens if you should change?

It's rare to find people who do good for nothing in our time. That's why when you come in contact with someone who loves you, you shouldn't take them for granted. And that it's rare to find someone that will love you unconditionally, doesn't mean there is none.

1Cor.13:5 says something about Love; "It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs."

But, if you think it's impossible to find any, why don't you become one to someone.

Love, not because you want sex

Love, not because you want money

Love, not because you want the favor of that person

Love, just because you want to love

We move-on, on this jolly ride.








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