Moving On


Moving on is one of the things we as humans must do at one point or the other in our existence on earth. I believe, a life that refuses to move on after a series or a state of disappointment will suffer stagnation.
Moving on is important for us as humans, for it aids our metamorphosis in development and progress. Stagnation is not a palatable situation as it keeps its prey under pressure and agitation. There's a need for us to always move on despite our current state of life or experience because 'not moving on is worse than facing the challenge of moving on.'
Ask those who have gone up, who is at the zenith of their lives, they will tell you how they refuse to stop moving on.

See, life may not always give you what you want but as the saying goes, when life presents you with lemon, make lemonade out of it. You can't afford to back down now! You've gone so much farther to lose your grip now. I know it may be hard and unbearable to hold on and move on. It may even be hard to forget the past but, it high time you let go of the past so that you can tell the story in the future of how strong your past helped you in getting to the top and not how your past was so strong to have kept you on a spot.

Moving on is not something we should be doing once in a while but at all times. When you move on, you imply two things: First: the past has no power over you and therefore can not put you to stop. And Second:  You have a greater achievement to accomplish. These are the things to which our focus must be based. You can't afford to give up moving on. Another thing you must know is that; God got you. And His purpose for you, will He accomplish if you trust, obey, and cling on Him. Take control of your life from the past. If you have to start all over again, please do. Because in the end, you will see that it worth it.

Thank you for reading today's episode again. Don't forget to drop your comments and observations. Thank you and God bless you.


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