
Showing posts from December, 2019
The Me I Do Not Know (Part 2) In the last article I discussed about WHO YOU ARE and I said, "Who you don't believe about yourself, you can not become" . I also said we will be considering WHAT YOU ARE in the next article. So, if you have not read the first article (The Me I do not know), you can do so by clicking the arrow behind the Blog name on top of the article.    "WHO You marry is different from WHAT you marry", P.Shine will always say. What does he mean by this statement? WHO you marry is the fine, gorgeous and figure eight lady, or fine, six-packs rich guy, but starting from the first day you start living together, you will know and come to understand WHAT you marry. Because it's until then that he or she will start bringing out his or her content. So, my question for you is; What are you and What are you ingesting into yourself now.    Talking about; What you read, What you see, What you give your time and attention to, What you e...

The Me I Do Not Know

The Me I Do Not Know      During our early stage of life, people tend to guide us and give us instructions they believe or deem fit to best suit our lives, expecting us to follow them to the call. And when we don't follow those instructions, we attract to ourselves punishment which they also deem fit to suit the gravity of mistake or offence committed. And we also grow up believing what those values have instilled in us and follow them without thinking. Some break out of it when the pattern is not well structured leading to low self esteem, inability to take some certain decisions and so on. But, it's not their (people that taught us those lessons) fault, they only do their best in bringing us up. That's why an African proverb says " When someone is given birth to, you have to rebirth yourself". At some point in life, you come to the understanding of who we really are and what we are. Because WHO you are is different from WHAT you are. But in this article...

Do Not Judge

                                          DO NOT  JUDGE      Of the things we know how to do best as humans is to judge other people based on our own standard of what is right and what is wrong, based on what these people do, say, how they react to issues or their ways of life which to a reasonable extent doesn’t make a lot of sense to us. We assume so much about people, how we think they should act, place a particular role, how mature they ought to have become, how knowledgeable they ought to have become, and so on.      But it’s not like that! And it shouldn’t be like that! Why do you expect people to become what you don’t actually know anything about? Have you ever taken time out to feel how they feel? Do you know they are also not happy the way things are going for them. You may see a car moving at a very high speed and immed...