The Me I Do Not Know (Part 2) In the last article I discussed about WHO YOU ARE and I said, "Who you don't believe about yourself, you can not become" . I also said we will be considering WHAT YOU ARE in the next article. So, if you have not read the first article (The Me I do not know), you can do so by clicking the arrow behind the Blog name on top of the article. "WHO You marry is different from WHAT you marry", P.Shine will always say. What does he mean by this statement? WHO you marry is the fine, gorgeous and figure eight lady, or fine, six-packs rich guy, but starting from the first day you start living together, you will know and come to understand WHAT you marry. Because it's until then that he or she will start bringing out his or her content. So, my question for you is; What are you and What are you ingesting into yourself now. Talking about; What you read, What you see, What you give your time and attention to, What you e...