Self Worth

Self Worth

When it seems you are the odd one, take your stand. You might encourage a coward.

When it seems you are the one with outdated dress, catwalk with it, they will remember you as a model.

When it seems you are the one with less rated statement or point, say it. They will remember you said it somehow.

When it seems you are not getting what you want, forge ahead. You only need little more effort with faith.

When it seems like people hate you, push it to them by liking them. They will discover the best part of you and won't have any reason to hate you and the best part is they may not actually hate you but because you do not get enough attention you thought they do, and if they do hate you, as time goes on, they will ask themselves WHY? Because they will ask themselves, what has he done to me, am I okay? Then they will change.

When it seems to you that nothing is working, change the station; I mean change the cause. You will see a better page to view.

When it seems like you are alone, check the next door, someone is there, and if you found none, check around you, you will see your shadow. Someone is always in touch with you and someone always think of you (God).

When you don't feel like smiling, know that some people life and happiness has to do with the smile on your face and you can't deny them of it, because you wouldn't like to deny them of the joy and happiness they derive from your smile. Brace up and know you are important, not because you want to give yourself a kind of self worth or self esteem, but because YOU ARE REALLY IMPORTANT!

God bless you.


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